Saturday, August 05, 2006

The Icarus

In addition to spinning the fiber from the last post, I have completed the Icarus that was published in the Interweave Knits, using Alpaca with a Twist. The pattern was quite simple, only one change . . .a suggestion from Mel . . . to knit in the back of the knit stitch between the yarn overs. I think I may knit another one . . although not right away as I am in the middle of the Flower Basket, another easy knit. I would highly recommend the Icarus or the Flower Basket as a first shawl project.

On the needles . . in addition to the Flower Basket, cashmere BTW, are a pair of socks and a FairIsle hat.

Hmm... just saw Vicki's beautiful Jonquil roving she received from Lisa. Gee, maybe I'd like some of that as well. Check it out at Fiber Corner.


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